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Continuing from the example of our previous blog post on House of Cards, we’ll see today how one can customize the elements of diagrams by using pictures. Per-diagram instance customization In a Sirius based editor, the style of each diagram element can be customized. This customization can be applied from: the tool bar: the Appearance tab of the property view: the Diagram menu: the contextual menu Format: The elements you can customize are: container: background color, background style, border size, foreground color, label alignment, label size, label format and workspace image. node: border size, color, label alignment, format, position, size and workspace image. edge: the folding style, the color, the label alignment, format, position and size, the line and routing style, the size and the target and source arrow. If we set a workspace image on the Influence diagram resulting from the tree layout blog post, we are able to see Frank Underwood’s face instead of a simpl...
Mots clés: obeo obeodesigner

Dans cette vidéo, Frédéric Madiot fait une rapide introduction au projet Eclipse Sirius.

Cette présentation a été enregistrée durant RRLL 2014.

Mots clés: eclipse obeo videos

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Now that one of the majors Obeo Designer Technologies is Open-Source you might wonder how we get to employ close to 60 people. It’s actually quite straightforward: We sell domain-dedicated products notably SmartEA, focused on Enterprise Architecture We sell support subscriptions offering you simplicity and safety when leveraging Sirius. We sell software bringing repository based collaborationon top of EMF and Sirius. We offer open-innovation services to develop features or adapt open-source technologies within the Eclipse eco-system. We offer training, expertise and development services when you want to build your own tooling. and this gets reflected in the products related to Sirius: Obeo Designer Community Edition This is the go to package to build your domain-specific tooling. We make sure you get the technologies you need in a consistent and compatible way, all in a single download (Sirius, Ecore Tools, EMF Compare…). Starting with this package you get to build graphical modele...
Mots clés: obeo obeodesigner

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  A recurring problem when developing a graphical modeler is providing the right layout. The advantage with Sirius is it provides you with a default algorithm that performs an automatic layout of all the elements on a diagram. To illustratep the Sirius’ layout capabilities imagine that we want to visualize the hierarchy of characters in the US TV series House Of Cards. To do this we define the following metamodel: First, we used Sirius to create a diagram representing the Persons. Each person is represented by a white square with his or her name on it. By default Sirius lays out nodes from left to right and what we now have is a flat diagram, with each person on exactly the same level. However what we want to see is the White House organizational hierarchy so we need to represent the subordination link. This link is modeled using the dependsOn reference in the metamodel. Second we define a new relation based edge mapping. This edge will connect Persons, and to find the su...
Mots clés: obeo obeodesigner
L'université d'Alberta au Canada a publié récemment un article pour décrire ChainTracker, un outil permettant de visualiser et d'analyser des générateurs complexes, composés d'un enchaînement de plusieurs transformateurs de modèles et de générateurs de code. La première version de ChainTracker s'appuie sur Acceleo et ATL.  ...
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