Chrome Devtools - Part 4

After our tour of the Chrome Devtools Console, we can now have a look at the Network tab. This tab will display all communication between the current page and any server. The Network tab is composed of two parts, on top you will find an overview of the timeline where all the requests that have been made can be seen. Below this overview, the Network tab shows the details of each request. Finally ab...


A small post to announce that I will be speaking at CheConf18 , a one day conference dedicated to Eclipse Che an extensible cloud development platform. I am really excited to participate to this event! I will co speak with Stevan Le Meur, Che maintainer from RedHat about Building Extensibility and Community for Che. During our session, you’ll get a preview of the work we prototyped at Obeo to brin...

Organiser une entreprise, une discipline collaborative

Comment faire collaborer efficacement différents services à la définition d'une organisation optimale d'entreprise ? Pour réaliser ses objectifs stratégiques, une entreprise est fréquemment obligée de s’adapter en modifiant son organisation. Or à chaque changement d’organisation, elle prend le risque que ses objectifs métiers ne soient plus alignés avec les composantes des systèmes d'information. ...

Dear Santa

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Mélanie and I am a little bit too old for that. It’s been a long while since I last wrote to you. This year I have been really naughty nice. All I want for Christmas is: An Eclipse Sirius 6.0 version for June 2018 compatible with Java 8, 9, 10 ( a big fat hen ), 11… and Eclipse Oxygen & Photon. Improved Xtext compatibility with Sirius. I want to thank you Santa as ...

Capella Add-ons: Collaborate better + Generate Docs

When Capella was made open source in 2014, feedback was collected from early users and adopters. The feedback showed several topics were important to the open source community. First and foremost, users wanted to learn how to efficiently collaborate on a single Capella model and minimize configuration and version management problems. Second, users wanted to generate their documentation efficiently...

Eclipse Sirius, the technology behind Capella

As the state-of-the-art engineering tool vendors did not provide the appropriate offer, Thales decided in 2007 to develop its own Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) method and workbench. This initiative resulted in Arcadia and Capella. To reduce the complexity and the cost of developing such a custom modeling tool, Thales worked with Obeo to create a new technology that could facilitate the cr...

Capella Industry Consortium

Capella is a model-based engineering solution that leverages the Eclipse platform to implement an adaptable and extensible workbench. Natively supporting an innovative Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach based on both industrial experimentations and system engineers’ feedback, it can be customized to fit the specific needs of many industrial domains. Made open source in 2014, a vibrant...